Improving Oversight and Accountability One Island at a Time
<p>In the government accounting world, the U.S.-affiliated island governments operate in many ways like a state or municipality of the United States. They use the U.S. dollar, receive U.S. federal grants, and must comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), and the Single Audit Act. But unlike a typical U.S. jurisdiction, the insular government’s administration and accounting responsibilities include all the services that are typically handled by a state, county, and city and sometimes a country. Deborah A. Milks has more than 32 years experience working with the insular governments on accounting related issues.</p>
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Improving Oversight and Accountability One Island at a Time
Posted Mar 18, 2011
In the government accounting world, the U.S.-affiliated island governments operate in many ways like a state or municipality of the United States. They use the U.S. dollar, receive U.S. federal grants, and must comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), and the Single Audit Act. But unlike a typical U.S. jurisdiction, the insular government’s administration and accounting responsibilities include all the services that are typically handled by a state, county, and city and sometimes a country. Deborah A. Milks has more than 32 years experience working with the insular governments on accounting related issues.
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